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Scorpio's montly Outlook in 2007 according to the
Tipsy Astrologer

Get a Jump on Your Social Scene
- Carol Robinson, Contributing Editor

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

March 2007

“Mother my friends are no longer my friends
And the games we once played have no meaning
I've gone serious and shy and they can't figure why
So they've left me to my own daydreaming.”
-from the song “Bad Wisdom” by Suzanne Vega

When we share interests with others, a bridge is formed and a connection is made. Friendships are born.

But nothing remains the same. We never cease to grow. Our world expands as we discover and learn and we experience a shift in focus. Things that once fascinated us are no longer important.

We wake up one day and realize that we have little in common with our old friends. The bridge is no longer used.

It’s up to you to maintain the bridge. If you’ve been neglecting it, it’s not too late. All it needs is some minor repairs. In other words, give your old friends a call. It will bring you joy.

Here’s something you’ll have in common with all your friends. You’ll love this drink… Absolut Frozen Bridge. Here’s the recipe. http://www.drinkalizer.com/drinks/absolut-frozen-bridge.php

February 2007

“…you are probably acquainted with the old proverb, ‘Speak softly and carry a big stick— you will go far.’ If a man continually blusters, if he lacks civility, a big stick will not save him from trouble, and neither will speaking softly avail, if back of the softness there does not lie strength, power...”
-Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, 26th US President and Scorpio, born October 27, 1858

Congratulations. You’ve successfully fended off the competition with your “big stick”. But wait. Look around. There’s no one left. Uh oh.

It seems you misjudged someone by assuming they had ulterior motives. You poked them in the eye with your big stick. They could have been very helpful to you. Now, instead of a supporter, you have a formidable enemy on your hands.

It’s up to you to lay down your weapon. You have everything to gain by doing so, and even more to loose by not.

For now, this is the only stick you need is a swizzle. Use it to stir a nice Gin and Tonic. Or, a Captain and Coke. You get the idea. And one more thing about your big stick… be careful with that thing next time!

October 2006

So, you thought this was going to be easy, didn’t you…

In my senior year of college, after nearly four years of heavy duty studying, I was ready to coast during my very last semester. I planned to fulfill my remaining academic requirements with the least demanding courses I could find and party like a rock star. While building my final curriculum I chose a course called “Introduction to Television”. I thought it would be a breeze. After all, I had been watching TV all my life.

I was in for a surprise when it wasn’t. The course turned out to be much harder than I expected… and far more interesting. The best part was that I actually learned something.

Sound familiar? Something fell far short of your expectations over the past year. Instead of wallowing in disappointment, consider what you learned from the experience. In the future, you’ll find that the lesson turns out to be quite valuable.

Speaking of something that seems like it would go down easy (but doesn’t) try an Easy Does It…

September 2006

In the movie “Big”, thirteen year old Josh suddenly found himself transformed into a thirty year old. Although physically an adult, he retained the mind, heart and soul of a child.

When he spends a few weeks in the adult world, Josh got a job with a toy company. Because he appeared as a man with a charming Peter Pan quality who could get into to mind of a child, he was quickly promoted to a high level in the Marketing Department.

When he brings a woman home to his simply furnished loft apartment, she finds, among other things, a trampoline, which she thinks is a little kinky, and bunk beds. When she suggests that she spend the night, he replies “Well, okay... but I get to be on top.”

It’s time for you to be Peter Pan. Get back in touch with your inner child. You’ve heard the expression “simplify your life”… well, try to simplify yourself.

If you’re going to be a child trapped in an adult’s body, you may as well make the best of it. Have a Long Island Milk Shake. http://www.webtender.com/db/drink/5939
And suck it through a Krazy Straw.

August 2006

Unlike other European cities, the Czech city of Prague was spared the destruction of World War II, so its historic buildings still stand. Tourists flock to the city to view its beauty. It’s a living history of Medieval, Baroque, and Renaissance architecture. It is old Europe at its most charming.

The beer isn’t bad either!

I had read about the rich history and beautiful sights of Prague, and during my visit I was awestruck by its incredible beauty (photos do not begin to do it justice). It was like walking through a renaissance fair or Epcot Center. I was also surprised that there is so much of it. It’s everywhere.

The historic buildings are so plentiful that many residents of Prague take the stunning beauty of their city for granted. At the base of the Gothic-style Charles Bridge, one of the most popular tourist attractions, there is a techno-dance club. I found many other very old historic buildings covered in graffiti.

Like those folks in Prague, there is something in your life that you’ve taken for granted. Your priorities have shifted. Through your neglect, something (or someone) has been devalued and all but forgotten. Figure out what it is, because this month offers one of your last chances to easily restore it to its former glory.

All this talk of Prague is bringing back fond memories of tall glasses of Pilsner beer. Ahhhh. Have some!

July 2006

Your month ahead should be played much like a game of Monopoly. So I’ll give you an advantage by sharing some game strategy tips from Monopoly.com…

“Know how to conduct yourself as a player. (This is the most important principle of all!)
Present yourself as the type of player others won't mind losing to.

Most players don't like losing to…
- browbeaters
- insulters
- know-it-alls
- careless players
- inconsiderate players

Most players don't mind losing to opponents who are...
- diplomatic
- gracious
- knowledgeable
- careful
- considerate

Why is this so important? MONOPOLY usually cannot be won without gaining the cooperation of players in trades and financial settlements. If you don't have a reasonable rapport with your opponents, you'll have a tough time making beneficial trades.”

In other words, play nice. If your intentions are honorable, you’ll come out a winner. And while you’re dotting the landscape with little green houses, enjoy the ultimate in refreshment… a Green Apple Martini.


June 2006

I'm putting all my eggs in one basket.
I'm betting everything I've got on you.
I'm giving all my love to one baby.
Heaven help me if my baby don't come through.
From “I’m Putting All My Eggs in One Basket” by Irvin Berlin

These words, sung by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in the 1936 classic film Follow the Fleet, sums up your forecast this month. It seems you’ve not only been putting your eggs in one basket, it’s possible that you’ve put them in the wrong one. Attempts to avoid looking like humpty-dumpty may lead you to make some tough and scary choices in the self-worth department. Remember that fear is your worst enemy now.

You’ve broken enough eggs for a big bowl of Eggnog, but that will only weigh you down. Try something lighter. Anything with bubbles will do. Champagne would be perfect, especially in a nice warm bubble-bath.

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