Burning Brain Masthead graphic
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Burning Brain Creative Studios Client Case Studies
Real design solutions for real businesses with impact, energy
and excitement.

Please follow the links below to review the entire success portfolio from Burning Brain Creative Studio's client list. Return to this page frequently for new additions as ongoing projects come to a close.


03/13/07 | Your Dentistry Today Brand Evolution
03/13/07 | Burning Brain Virtual Marketing Secrets
02/05/07 | Graphic World Collateral
02/05/07 | Leisure Fitness 2007 Commercial Team Meeting
02/05/07 | Logo Design in 2006


08/06/06 | Out & About August Cover
08/06/06 | New Space Corporate Identity
06/04/06 | Hezzarray Identity
05/23/06 | Leisure Spa Brand/Product Launch
05/23/06 | Toscana Catering: Dodge Sprinter Wrap
05/15/06 | Ultrafine Web Site
05/01/06 | Alien Invasion: Hezzarray Logo
03/25/06 | Toscana To Go: Scion Wrap Program


:: Illustration
:: Design | web/print
:: Creative Ideas
:: Project Rescue

Project Pricing
Burning Brain is very easy to work with and we have developed a great way for you to quickly determine if we're a fit for you and your project.

Simply select any two of the
following criteria to find out
what we'll cost:

:: Request Quote Form
Please enter the security word above, exactly as shown, so that we can verify that you are an actual carbon-based lifeform from the planet earth and not a spambot.
Your Dentistry Today
Stationary Ensemble
Burning Brain
Virtual Marketing Secrets:
Graphic World
Collateral System: