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Case Study: HEZZARRAY!
Logo project.

Hezzarray is a rock band based in Boulder, Colorado that required some creative thinking for their logo. They had a concept or theme that would be instrumental in getting my arms around their name. The name was a word they made up one night and loved. So that became the name for the band. Now they needed a logo and signage to promote the group.

They gave me the concept of relic-ray-guns, alien invasion, industrial-military-cover-up-conspiracy and Metatron's cube as starting points. So I incorporated them all into their campaign. The Metatron's Cube allegory is located in the 6 point star that ultimately graces their logo's tractor beam ray.

Fun, satirical and whimsical imagery abound in the naive innocence of 1950 horror posters with alien themes and of course lampooning the government is always fun. The posters take full advantage of their size and shape to create intricate collaging that weave satire, politics and alien fun together.

Possible logo ideas:


Here are their two posters being distributed around the Denver/Boulder area to promote the group's engagments:

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