Burning Brain Masthead graphic
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Burning Music Selections:
What we're listening to while we work. Music that inspires.

Project: Various stationary projects: Your Dentistry Today, Brandywine Prime, Possibility Life Coaching
Date: 02/16/07
Time: 11:23
Shuffle: Off
Band Album
David Gilmour
About Face
Kid A

Dire Straits

Love Over Gold
Roger Waters
Radio K.A.O.S.
Pink Floyd
The Final Cut
Roger Waters
The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking
The Flaming Lips
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots


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:: Design | web/print
:: Creative Ideas
:: Project Rescue

Project Pricing
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Your Dentistry Today
Stationary Ensemble
Burning Brain
Virtual Marketing Secrets:
Graphic World
Collateral System: