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Case Study: New Space Logo
Rehoboth based general contractor seeks a way to distinguish
itself from competitors while also demonstrating focus.

Burning Brain Creative Studios was hired to help a general contractor get the word out that they have something different to offer. Specifically, New Space, focuses on additions to late model homes that have been built in the last 10 years.

As the housing bubble continues to grow homeowners are finding it more and more difficult to "trade up" when they decide they need more space for their family. That's where New Space comes in. New Space helps find a dependable and creative way to add space to an existing domicile to increase property value and shelf life to an existing home.

New Space considers themselves a modern general contractor that focuses on passion, precision and dependability. They know it's a scary proposition to bring a contractor in for a renovation. A homeowner's biggest fear is that they'll be living in a trailer for months on end. They want the job done.

To ensure that they will get the job done on time and on budget New Space will selectively take on jobs and be sure that the job matches what they do best: new space on new homes.

Burning Brain was also challenged to come up with a logo solution that would work with corporate wear as New Space acquires uniforms and swag to help solidify their image and marketing efforts.

The final logo, approved for use, incorporated a modern font that emphasized the word "new", boxed in the entire logo architecturally while allowing the icon for "new space" to violate the border of the mark. This dynamic element combined with an emphasis on "new" created exactly what the client wanted: a mark that didn't have tools, buildings or plain words. They didn't want a static logo either. They are always moving and improving their process and product and needed to have that motion captured in the mark as well.

Here are some sketches presented early in the process of logo development while Burning Brain and New Space felt each other out as client and vendor:

:: Illustration
:: Design | web/print
:: Creative Ideas
:: Project Rescue

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