Burning Brain Masthead graphic
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Case Study: Toscana To Go Scion Wrap

Can we do mobile graphics? Outdoor advertising?
Environmentlal interactive design? Cool work, period?

For Burning Brain the answer is a collective "Yes!" We excel at delivering appropriate, high impact graphics that really get the job done. For the TTG Scion van project the client wanted presence and impact. Learn More -->

Final installation photo gallery, click image to enlarge:

When we're engaged on a project as high profile as this we take all of the angles. We also make sure that we have the experts on board to be sure the final product is built correctly.

Our "Success Partner" in this case was...

Scion Wrap Expert Mark Carlson from Signs Now. He guided us through the process needed to deliver quality files that he could print and apply.

Initial production illustration details for client approval:

:: Illustration
:: Design | web/print
:: Creative Ideas
:: Project Rescue

Project Pricing
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Burning Brain
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Graphic World
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